Edition : June 6 &13,2016
Resume :
Bill Problems
That index includes the
unedifying spectacle of Bill Clinton’s impeachment, which grew out of his
affair with Monica Lewinsky and a sexual-harassment civil suit brought by an
Arkansas state employee named Paula Jones. There are also serious allegations
against Trump c the treatment of women. His first response, when challenged on
them, is to cite Bill’s history, calling him an “abuser” and Hillary an
“enabler”—indictment by psychobabble. At least one allegation goes beyond
infidelity. On May 18th, Sean Hannity interviewed Trump on Fox News and was
reciting a litany of old complaints about Clinton when Trump interrupted to
say, “And rape.” This was a reference to Juanita Broaddrick, who said in an
interview with NBC’s Lisa Myers in 1999—and again on Twitter this year—that
“rape” is the proper word for an encounter she had with Clinton in 1978, when
she was a nursing-home administrator. Some of her friends say she described it
that way at the time. Clinton’s lawyer has strongly denied it on his behalf,
and after all these years it is unadjudicatable. Nick Merrill, a
Clinton-campaign press secretary, called Trump’s remark an attempt to distract
voters and to drag America “through the mud.” He added, “If that’s the kind of c
he wants to run that’s his choice.” Unfortunately, that is the campaign that Trump wants to run.
Vocabulary :
- Accomplished = diselesaikan 21. Allegation = tuduhan
- Lawyer = pengecara 22. Regarding = mengenai
- Referring = mengarahkan 23.Challenged = menantang
- Appearance = penampilan 24. Psychobabble = psikologi
- Widely = secara luas 25. Unfortunately = sayangnya
- Triumphs = kemenangan 26. Assassination = pembunuhan
- Presumptive = yg berdasarkan dugaan 27. Assembling = perakitan
- Retirement = pengunduran diri 28. Confusing = membingungkan
- Announced = mengumumkan 29. Defining = mendefenisikan
- Indicated = menunjukkan 30. Evidenced = dibuktikan
- Candidocy = pencalonan 31. Disaffected = bermusuhan
- Captivating = menawan 32. Exhausted = habis
- Undiscliplined = bandel 33. Physically = secara jasmani
- Included = memasukkan 34. Campaign = campanye
- Financial = keuangan 35. Defending = membela
- Unofficial = tdk resmi 36. Require = memerlukan
- Blame = menyalahkan 37.Welfare = kesejahteraan
- Through = teliti 38. Cheerful = riang
- Unedifying = tdk membangun 39. Presence = kehadiran
- Harrassment = pelecehan 40. Killed = terbunuh
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